Thursday, 18 June 2015

‎15 ‎June ‎2015 - Glasgow

Chemtrails and NEXRAD combine to create the cloud shield and give us total white-out all day as the manufacturing of global weather continues to be ignored because people still take the weather for granted instead of actually paying attention to what's really going on...

‎15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015

15 ‎June ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

15 ‎June ‎2015 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

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