Monday 30 November 2015

29 ‎November ‎2015 - Glasgow

Another day of weather control, manufactured gales and torrential rainstorms, see a time-lapse of this further below...

29 ‎November ‎2015

29 ‎November ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

29 ‎November ‎2015 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

28 ‎November ‎2015 - Glasgow

Another day of weather control with gale force winds and torrential rain.... how anyone can look at satellite images and not think anything is unusual is beyond me, I guess to many people are still taking the weather for granted and enjoy being spoon-fed weather from the mainstream media instead of actually paying attention to what's happening outside....

28 ‎November ‎2015

28 ‎November ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

28 ‎November ‎2015 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

27 ‎November ‎2015 - Loch Lomond

Torrential rain for almost the entire day, all manufactured as those in control continue to cover up global burning and the death of natural weather through ongoing global geoengineering, chemtrails and Nexrad frequency control...

27 ‎November ‎2015

27 ‎November ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

27 ‎November ‎2015 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

26 ‎November ‎2015 - Glasgow

Merchants, industrialists, globalists, bankers, corporations, the super rich, the military.... blame them all for the current weather and state of affairs on the planet today and speak out about it.... or remain in silence where your lack of action is seen as consent.  Time to wake up....

26 ‎November ‎2015

26 ‎November ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

26 ‎November ‎2015 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

Thursday 26 November 2015

25 ‎November ‎2015 - Glasgow

Nexrad frequency control clouds, if you still can't see them then you're not looking hard enough.  Don't believe me?  Then spend some time following the sun across the sky and viewing some time-lapse footage...

25 ‎November ‎2015

25 ‎November ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

25 ‎November ‎2015 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

25 ‎November ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Scotland

25 ‎November ‎2015 - Aqua/MODIS Scotland