Friday 31 March 2017

30 March 2017 - Glasgow

Lots of rain and a couple of layers of cloud cover today, one water vapour and the other the NEXRAD cloudshield moving in a different direction or static while the water vapour clouds move past.

Those paying close attention will also notice the usual sunrise and sunset blocking, along with chemtrails helping to maintain the frequency controlled clouds especially in the morning when a large heterodyne wave/roll cloud is seen.

No satellite image today as it looks like all three satellites gave up recording before they reached the UK....

30 March 2017

30 March 2017 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

Thursday 30 March 2017

29 March 2017 - Glasgow

Sunrise blocking with chemtrails and frequency controlled clouds to start the day, followed by a mass of manufactured cloud cover for the rest of the day.... welcome to terraforming, also known as Geoengineering, on planet Earth... where the battle to stop global burning that the industrialists and globalists caused and blame on us rages on daily...

29 March 2017

29 March 2017 - Terra/MODIS Britain

29 March 2017 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

29 March 2017 - Aqua/MODIS Scotland