Friday, 24 May 2019

06 ‎September ‎2018 - Glasgow

Starting with the cloud shield in the morning, the sun was continually blocked for the majority of the day until the evening when most of the clouds dissipate (letting the trapped heat during the day escape and keeping the roof off at night, a common cooling technique) leaving just a small band on the western horizon (always where the sun is in the sky) in order to block the sunset.

Simply follow the sun across the sky for a few days and you will soon notice the anomalies as large dark clouds, out of place with surrounding ones, cover where the sun is, or large sheets of nanoparticle chem-haze cover it and create sun-dogs.  This is the frequency control of the atmosphere using the UK Doppler Radar Network (UK version of NEXRAD) and geoengineering of the climate that has replaced natural weather:

06 ‎September ‎2018

06.09.18 - NEXRAD Cloud Control - Subtle Sunset Blocking:

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