Wednesday, 18 January 2017

16 January 2017 - Glasgow

Along with the techniques to manipulate the "cosmic" or Orgone atmosphere and weather that were originally developed by Wilhelm Reich, chemtrails also deliver metallic nanoparticles (frequency controllable components) into the atmosphere, this combines with masses of power plant water vapour, NEXRAD doppler radar/phased array grid uses frequency control to activate the nanoparticles and the artificial cloudshield is born in order to block the sun and help cover up climate collapse and the destruction of the natural precipitation cycle by industrialists and the military. 

Welcome to planet matrix, where the spooks, bankers, media and those in control continue to manipulate the population of the planet into believing their lies on a daily basis.  Time to educate yourself and pay more attention to reality instead of your repeating daily cycle of distractions....

16 January 2017

16 January 2017 - Terra/MODIS Britain

16 January 2017 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

16 January 2017 - Suomi NPP/VIIRS Scotland

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