Thursday, 27 July 2017

24 July ‎2017 - Glasgow

As close to a day of natural weather as you are likely to see, minus the squares and lines in the clouds seen on the satellite images and some nanoparticle/plasma clouds activated by NEXRAD frequency control.  That's the problem with destroying the natural precipitation cycle, if you don't make it rain then the planet will quickly become a desert and I can't think of anything worse than causing a climate collapse disaster like this, covering it up with man-made geoengineering and lying about it daily...

24 July ‎2017

24 July 2017 - Terra/MODIS Britain

24 July 2017 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

24 July 2017 - Suomi NPP/VIIRS Scotland

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

23 July ‎2017 - Glasgow

From sunrise to sunset, observe the geoengineering of our climate to cover up for global burning, blocking ths sun and creating worldwide flash floods.  Is it any wonder that more people are confused and beginning to suspect that something is not quite right?

"I don't understand this weather. It's sunny and hot and suddenly dark then it decides to rain."

Ignore the psyop trolls who are paid to distract you and attack you for showing reality, use your own eyes and intelligence and don't let the spooks do your thinking for you, global geoengineering is very real....

23 July ‎2017

23.07.17 - NEXRAD Chemtrail Geoengineering Time-lapse

23 July 2017 - Terra/MODIS Britain

23 July 2017 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

23 July 2017 - Suomi NPP/VIIRS Scotland