Thursday 9 July 2015

‎08 ‎July ‎2015 - Glasgow

Not natural weather...

Recently i've had some contact with another person in Scotland who works collating lab results and, well, this is what they had to say about geoengineering:
"I work in admin and receive all results for sites across Scotland from windfarms, schools, empty land to hospitals - the metals and chemical toxins results are shocking. Corporations threatening laboratories because their business' have to shut due to unsafe results, lots of back handers etc..

There are many similar stories, but one that stuck in my head was back in 2006.  Almost 40 water samples were taken from groundwater in a local wind farm between 2006-2008, you will not believe the results. All results showed traces of toxic compounds at levels of up to x400 greater than those deemed safe by our so called 'World Health Organization'. Specifically, large amounts of DEHP (an industrial chemical) - this severely effects our liver, kidney, lungs and our reproductive organs. But guess what, SEPA don't recognise DEHP as harmful to humans or animals - therefore it's quite legal to continue this practice. A Power Company owned this farm, they released a statement to the press to say that a laboratory must have contaminated the samples. There are a large amount of people who rely on this farm to provide groundwater for their homes nearby, I dread to think of the health problems these families have after a few years of chemical poisoning.

What I will say is that all lab staff signed a whistle-blower policy shortly after this happened, as activists most recently (last year) came out to argue with  the Power Company about the damage they are doing. They were instructed not to discuss with any journalists and calls were to be transferred to head office.

I do aim to get my own testing done on local water works etc.. The public does not use these services enough, it's mostly if not all corporate clients which is a shame, if more people were informed of what chemicals and metals are in their drinking water, atmosphere etc.. then we wouldn't be in a situation where our drinking water is over 400 times in toxicity."

‎08 ‎July ‎2015

08 ‎July ‎2015

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08 ‎July ‎2015

08 ‎July ‎2015

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08 ‎July ‎2015

08 ‎July ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

08 ‎July ‎2015 - Terra/MODIS Britain

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