Friday, 15 December 2017

10 December 2017 - Glasgow

Clear over Glasgow today but don't let that fool you, this is as natural a day of weather as you can get now following the destruction of the natural precipitation cycle.  Satellite images show Scotland missing a mass of directed water vapour which hit England, Wales and Ireland today and it is anything but natural, looking more like a hose has been directed towards Britain.

The time-lapse video from today isn't the most obvious evidence of geoengineering but you can still see multiple passing planes spraying nanoparticles (an active component of jet fuel) into the sky so the ice nucleation field can keep the temperature around freezing...

10 December 2017

10.12.2017 - Geoengineering - No Natural Weather:

10 December 2017 - Terra/MODIS Britain

10 December 2017 - Aqua/MODIS Britain

10 December 2017 - Suomi NPP/VIIRS Scotland

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