Wednesday, 10 December 2014

What is a "Weather Bomb"?? Disinformation...

'Weather Bomb' Batters Northern Britain

Phenomenal waves, pummelling winds reaching 100mph, blizzards and rain have hit areas of Britain as part of a huge storm system.

A visual representation of the wind forecast for the UK and Ireland. Pic

The extreme conditions are being caused by rapid cyclogenesis - known colloquially as a "weather bomb" - a deep low pressure system moving slowly eastwards between Scotland and Iceland.

That's right, stand there all smiley and smug because you know fine well what is really causing this freak "weather"...


World swell map: Pic Magicseaweed

Honestly, "weather bombs and polar vortexes"... even the language is changing to describe controlled weather in a sensational manner, to fill the news, keep you indoors and glued to the TV, distracted from the weather modification going on in plain sight above you which is slowly suffocating the biosphere with synthetic biological organisms, blocking the sun, killing people and ruining lives, affecting our health and sending our future down a dark path, fast.

This is what the mainstream thinks of this...

Time to wake up indeed...

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